
Korea sees significant growth with rewarded video

by Lewis Leong on Jul 6, 2017

AppLovin’s Korean office may be just over a year old, but our team has seen exponential growth with mobile video advertising. In the past year, the mobile ad tech industry in Korea has boomed, primarily with rewarded video.

When AppLovin Korea was established in April 2016, there was still a significant amount of game developers who were on the fence about rewarded video. There were a lot of advertisers who didn’t have video creatives in their teams. Today, even indie devs have video creatives and spend their user acquisition budget on video ads.

Over the last year, we’ve seen the number of Korean advertisers grow 15-fold and developers grow by 30 times thanks to our data-driven approach. AppLovin now has significant market share for video inventories in Korea.

AppLovin award - Korea MAX Summit

Our hard work hasn’t gone unnoticed, either. Last week, AppLovin received an award for “Best Video Ad Network” during the annual MAX Summit conference in Seoul. The MAX (Mobile And NeXt) Summit is the largest ad tech conference in South Korea, and awards for Rookie of the Year, Best ROI, and others were voted on by various experts in the Korean ad tech industry.

We had a great time at MAX Summit 2017 and are honored to have received the award for Best Video Ad Network. We’d like to thank the organizers of the MAX Summit conference for inviting us and recognizing our hard work. 2016 was a year of strong growth for both the mobile video advertising industry in Korea and for our team. We will keep  pushing forward in 2017, and continue to grow with Korea’s ad tech industry.

Lewis Leong is AppLovin's Content Marketing Manager.
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