Success Story

WildCard Games leverage AppLovin’s holistic solution to accelerate growth

Ultimate Cribbage

WildCard Games

The combined power of MAX, AppDiscovery, and SparkLabs helps WildCard Games grow iOS installs by over 170%.2



WildCard Games reimagines classic games for mobile.


Bellevue, Washington






WildCard Games knew its games appealed to one of the fastest growing mobile gaming demographics, Gen X and Baby Boomers, and needed partners to scale beyond social platforms.


WildCard Games leverages AppLovin’s complete suite of solutions to improve efficiencies and drive more revenue.

By implementing MAX on its most popular game, Ultimate Cribbage, WildCard Games was able to increase ARPDAU immediately1. Combined with AppDiscovery’s powerful machine learning, the studio was able to automate their UA campaigns with minimal effort and grow iOS installs signtificantly2. By using both MAX and AppDiscovery, WildCard Games was able to not only find more valuable players, but maximize revenue at the same time.

The Results

WildCard Games’ most popular game, Ultimate Cribbage, saw an immediate ARPDAU lift of 20%1 and grew iOS installs by over 170%2 with AppLovin.

Results stats
Beyond the immediate results seen with Ultimate Cribbage, WildCard Games was able to increase revenue across its entire portfolio of games while cutting down time spent managing campaigns and monetization stack. UA was further enhanced with the help of SparkLabs, AppLovin’s in-house creative team, which created top-performing playable ads that immediately showed players game mechanics.


Finding more users in a specific vertical

WildCard Games needed to find more users for its card games and saw immediate results with AppDiscovery’s powerful machine learning, increasing iOS installs by 170%2.

Saving time with automation

Combining both AppDiscovery and MAX, as well as top-performing creatives developed by SparkLabs, WildCard Games saved countless hours managing complex UA campaigns and a complex monetization stack.

The support we got from AppLovin has had a huge impact on our performance. You don’t just get a piece of software; you’re getting individualized advice, which is a really compelling advantage.

Josh Chandley
WildCard Games

1Source: AppLovin Platform - November 2020
2Source: AppLovin Platform - May 17th 2021 - July 14th 2021

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